I had a beautifully relaxing Christmas at home in Melbourne surrounded by family and friends, and i could not have asked for a better one. It was a lovely break to get away from Manila into some form of familiarity. I was very glad to have this break as it was becoming more and more apparent to me how much i was struggling to be in Manila. Coming back gave me a deep sense of appreciation for what I had in Australia, and how much comfort there was. Having said that, I also had a deep sense of upset that I was becoming increasingly frustrated with my life in Manila, and within that becoming frustrated with myself for not making the most out of it. This break gave me a great chance to reflect away from the center of my annoyance.
In Melbourne i was able to indulge in my yearly ritual of going to the Botanical gardens to watch a shakespeare play with Emmah, and the new additions this year of Alex and Steph, and what great additions they were, and it was amazing to be able to see some of my friends again. Needless to say, as always, the performance was hilarious and it turned into a brilliant night for me.
Then, it was time to put on our sailor hats, blow up our floaties and board the Endeavour for a week of drinking, swimming and more drinking along the Murray River with some fabulous people for New Years Eve mayhem.
One thing I can tell you about that boat is that there was ALOT of man love happening. I don't believe I have EVER seen so much heterosexual man love in all my life (except perhaps between the aussie and kiwi boys in South America!). Having said that, it is amazing to see a group of guys, have such an intense friendship that has lasted over a decade as strong as our friendship group with Emma, Emmah, Steph and I (who were also shipmates aboard our houseboat).
We spent our days lazily floating along the river drinking beer and cider, followed by interesting "Which would you prefer" games and the occasional mud fight. Being immersed in the Australian bush meant a lot to me, and occasionally i would find myself wandering through it to sit on a tree trunk by myself and reflect upon my time in the Philippines and the contrasts between Manila and Australia. I was also able to have amazing D&M conversations with my girls, one on one, something i have sorely missed. Turns out being away from my family and friends is possibly the hardest thing about being so far from home. It's those small moments together that you miss the most; those inside jokes, the hugs, and the comfort of loved ones that can make big adventures such as this at times unbearable, because no matter where you are, if you don't have the most important things with you or the ability to talk to them, you begin to question is it worth it?

Either way, the Houseboat juiced me up on friendship that I believe I will be able to sustain myself for a while longer. And alas, we said our goodbyes and headed back home to pack my bags for an early morning flight back to Manila.
At the airport, i opened up a written document from a very special friend of mine, Sally, who wrote me the most wonderful story as a send off for my adventures. This is the first time I have ever gotten on a plane with tears in my eyes. This is the first time that the prospect of leaving to go over seas and leaving behind people has caused me to cry. Sally my dear, your story was so amazing and really touched me. I love you and i will get you back for making me blubber in public. Mark my words :P. Actually whilst I am speaking of the amazing writing that is my Sally, I urge you to buy this e-book in which she has a short story published. you won't regret it, it is amazing. Her story is called "Shards of Love". Check it out here
Anyhoo, so i arrived in Manila, parentals in tow (they came to visit and see where i live and study) and ofcourse spent the next day and a half stuck in classes whilst they explored the city. The Friday night i took them for a tour around the UP campus and showed them which buildings i study in, where 'rape alley' is, and where to avoid if you want to keep your kidneys. We went for a jeepney ride, and finally headed back to their hotel for the weekend (a bit of luxury from where i live. buffet breakfast - hello!) We did a bit of shopping for the afternoon and collected some bits and pieces to furnish the house (thats right - you are now looking at the proud owner of bath mats and a table cloth...jealous?)
We went into Manila bay to go for a wander and watch as the sun went down, then hopped on a horse and buggy around the city. needless to say the tour guide ripped us off in the cover of darkness, but it is one of those situations where you need to toss up whether you argue with them for blatantly stealing your money in the cover of darkness, or do you accept it and move on and wait for karma to do it's thing. The latter prevailed and after searching ages for a taxi (the security guard helping u find one told me that if i gave him my calling card, he would be my prince. oh boy oh boy, lucky me! :P) we headed home, now in tow with an epicly awesome Angry birds hat, haha.
After an early night we began our tour the next morning to visit the Taal volcano near Batangas. We took a small boat ride across the water to the volcano. Our tour guide told us that the volcano is due to erupt every 25 years, and it last erupted in 1977. If you do the math, that makes it due to explode its load this year. So, does that make it a slight bit suicidal to be trekking to a volcano that is due to kill us all? well, we did anyway. We took little donkey/pony-like hybrids up the mountain led by some locals, and had amazing views from the top of the volcano. It had accumulated a lake inside over the last 25 years, but you could still see the water below boiling and bubbling on the surface. We drank coconut water straight from the coconuts and took it all in. It was beautiful, and I can't tell you how great it was to get out of the city.
We took our weird hybrid animals back down the mountain, and i swear the local leading my horse-thing spent more time watching my boobs bounce when running rather than looking at where he is going. needless to say i tried to hold onto the horse one handed while strategically and stealthily cover and hold and twins in place.
The next day we went to the island of Corregidor which was a huge military base in WW2. The island was full of ruins of buildings and so much interesting history that i couldn't possibly be able to retell it with any justice. All i can say is that it has some really interesting history of the war from the Filipino perspective with the Americans joining forces to fight against Japan. It was a pretty amazing day, and the last day I had to spend time with my parents before their flight the following day. We went out to dinner at my favourite vegetarian restaurant here, and stuffed ourselves silly.
needless to say I have been spoilt over the last few days, and i have loved every minute of it.
We got up early the next day to enjoy the last of the buffet breakfast (think of a bear hibernating and filling up on enough food to last them a whole winter...that was me filling up for the next 3 months so as i don't have to live off mi-goreng again.)
We took a taxi back to my house and said our farewells. Thank you so much mum and dad for coming to visit me and taking me out of the city. I have loved every minute of it, and I have loved seeing you guys. I will miss you both.
Ok, sap aside, this brings me to where we are today. Sitting in starbucks as per usual typing this message to you all.
I hope you have stuck through me in this, and hopefully I haven't bored you all senseless.
I have been given a new appreciation of the country I am in after having a break to reflect and getting out of the city. It has even been proposed that i stay an extra 3 months on top of the 3 i still have to go to do placement. Time will tell I suppose.
Miss you all, and love you all..
Happy new year and I hope 2012 treats you all well.
Love B xoxo
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