Monday, November 3, 2014

a late update of past events.

Hey Hey Peeps!

Ready for a new update? I bet you are just itching for one and jumping up and down with excitement!...or possibly not, what do I know?

So since I left you last a few weeks ago, I have had an eventful few weeks.

My weekend involved a house party to say goodbye to my friend Dani's flat as she was moving house. This night in itself was incredibly eventful. I am sad to say there are many moments of this night that I do not remember... although I feel this qualifies it as an awesome one.

The night started with wine and pimms, then drinking games of drinking every time the police sang "roxanne" or "turn on the red light". Wine is an incredibly poor choice of drink for this game, as you can not skull that much wine in that short of time. OUCH!

The night progressed to learning to play guitar whilst sitting on the balcony edge (thankfully I eventually had the good sense to get down the more I drank... could not have ended well I am sure of it) it is hard to learn much guitar when you are slightly intoxicated. I am sure I was rocking it for that short time. I left this to the boys to continue to play, as my skills weren't up to snuff. Sad really...

We played more drinking games inside, I played with the cat, spouted my love to everyone I saw...and the next thing I remember is police knocking on the door, accusing us of having drugs, having a chat to the policeman who looked incredibly bored, the police leaving and us heading home. 

Now the next day whilst hugging the toilet and being a general sad panda (thank you emma for trying to take photos of me and my death like state...what are friends for ey? :P ) I did get some updates on what else occurred during the night thanks to photographic evidence and story telling by others... so let me take you on a tale of my blank moments...

During the black out, Dani provided bites of vegemite sandwiches, Mike provided cocktails using up every drop of alcohol in the house, Dani suggested a dance party on the couch (in which i proceeded to dance on for about an hour) the boys hulked out and threw chairs over the balcony (which is why the police ended up rocking up) and we had a lights out dance party.

Apparently our night ended with me turning to Emma in a child like way saying "Emma... I need to go home now", and Emma and I frolicked our way to the bus stop, chatted to other party goers as we went by, and bolting for the bus...passing out on the bus, getting off at the wrong stop and walking home...
AND it turns out this is how the toilet hugging and migraine occurred. I did fix the problem with sleep and gravy coated chips later in the evening though... WIN!

So after a few days recovery, Emma, Aoife and I met under Tower bridge at the outdoor cinemas. I love these things that London puts on that are free! As I watched the sunset over tower bridge and the lights of the bridge come on, I had my first ever viewing of an Indiana Jones movie (I know...slow on the uptake!)

We meandered our way through London at night (I love this city during the night) and got to see the bridge open up to let through passing boats before finally made our way home to our nice comfy warm beds.

Dinner with Dani

That weekend Emily, Emma and I headed into Camden Markets again to meander through the stalls in search of a backpack for Emma, a beanie for Emily and some speakers for me. We stopped in at this delicious vegan coffee shop called 'Cookies and Scream'. This place is absolutely delicious, and you would not know that it was soy products. The two dairy intolerant people that I went to the markets with were definitely enthusiastic by this. We had peanut butter and chocolate cookies and salted caramel/brownie thick shakes…hello diabetes!

That evening we prepared ourselves for a fiesta, yes you heard correctly, A FIESTA! All inclusive with margaritas and moustaches. What better way for me to say goodbye to London than with some tequila-y goodness whilst rocking a mo? Trick question, there is no better way!

Obviously having no living room or back yard...or any kind of communal space, the party occured in our bedroom (not THAT kind of party!) and needless to say, many margarita's were had...and nachos...and silly pictures!

We left the house later in the evening to continue the party (as the lady living below us has dementia, and we didn't want to freak her out by being too loud all night). We headed into Shoreditch to continue our fiesta (with sombrero in tow, of course.) 

We headed to 'the corner shop' to get our boogy on, and I was introduced to some kind of delicious drink that tasted like apple pie... I can't for the life of me remember what it is called, but I plan to find out again!
Needless to say, there was dancing, and Emma and I had a 'le thrust' off 

I am sure you are wondering about this new dance craze the ‘le thrust’. Basically it involves putting on an incredibly seedy expression, head tilted down, eyes looking up, creepy pout….keeping your upper body still and thrusting your hips ….sexy right? Hahaha.

You know that you have been friends too long when you can do this towards each other and not break seedy character by laughing!
Luckily we bounced back a lot better the following day, and Emma and I decided to get our tourist on by heading to Abbey Road. Our intentions were to get the typical ‘walk the zebra crossing’ photo, but it turns out there are a lot of people there, and a lot of cars trying to drive over the zebra crossing, who really don’t appreciate people playing musical statues on the road.
We did get our pictures there anyway, and also wrote on the wall outside of the recording studios. We then headed back down to London Bridge for a late lunch and for some intense people watching, finishing the day with the good old Sunday pub housemate dinner.

Love B xo